Photos from Wiesbaden - a beautiful city located in a wine region (the Rheingau) at the Rhine River close to Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Dedicated Soccer Fan
This dedicated soccer fan passed by me in the pedestrian area. I just have a feeling that he couldn't really decide what team he's cheering for - England hat, Italian flag around waist, and did you notice his socks in the colors of the German flag!?! I think he's really enjoying the whole World Cup!!
well it looks to be France and Italy so I guess he got at least one team in the final - I am having to root for France, although I also want Italy to win, so I hope its a tie =P
I think you're right. And what flag is he holding? Argentina?
well it looks to be France and Italy so I guess he got at least one team in the final - I am having to root for France, although I also want Italy to win, so I hope its a tie =P
great capture...he's a football all over!
i couldn't agree more...he's the true sport lover. he's really enjoying all teams i guess :-) no fanatism! fair play is more like it...
That is funny!
He is a impartial supporter of Fussball. Personally I like his little stuffed animals best!
Hi nicola, looks like best world cup game will be on saturday;)
How was the mood after Germanys defeat.I know for a fact a lot of English people are really down.
cool outfit:-P great find for candid shot
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